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LinkedIn Content Marketing

LinkedIn is the perfect social media platform for brands, especially for the ones that are in the B2B industry. The platform offers opportunities for businesses allowing them to connect with their target audience, boost brand awareness, and grow their professional network; the benefits of LinkedIn for business are many. You can check out this blog to learn how LinkedIn can benefit your business. 

Since LinkedIn is a great platform for content marketing, you must create a LinkedIn content marketing plan for your business.  But how do you plan, create, and post relevant content that clicks with your audience?  How to create content creation strategies for LinkedIn that make the desired impact?

In this guide, we will discuss the best practices for LinkedIn content marketing. Read on. 

Tips to create the best LinkedIn content strategy:

LinkedIn is one of the top ten social media sites in the UAE. With 3.49 million users, LinkedIn accounts for over 52.90% of the total social media user population. It is crucial for the B2B businesses to invest in LinkedIn content marketing.  A well-planned LinkedIn content marketing campaign can help a business become an authority in the industry and also help create leads. However, you should not treat this lightly; in order to come up with content creation ideas for LinkedIn you must carry out research before you can come with content ideas for LinkedIn. Hiring one of the top Dubai marketing agencies can be of great help, as the agency experts can provide valuable guidelines and best content creation ideas for LinkedIn. 

Now, let’s take a look at the best practices for creating the best LinkedIn content marketing plan. 

Set your goal:

Behind every marketing activity, there should be a clearly defined goal. Before coming up with a content marketing strategy, you should set goals that you want to achieve through the marketing activities. When you set practical goals that are clearly defined and can be measured, you can track progress and also tweak your current strategy for content creation for LinkedIn accordingly. 

Your goals may range from increasing brand visibility to driving traffic; you may set a clear goal or a set of goals that your LinkedIn content marketing plan can help you achieve. If you hire a LinkedIn content creation agency in Dubai, you should communicate your goal to their team. 

Identify your target audience:

Who do you cater to? Your LinkedIn marketing in Dubai would lead you towards your target audience. Your LinkedIn content marketing plan needs to be targeted towards a niche audience that you cater to. To ensure that your content reaches the right group of people, you should conduct research. Take advantage of LinkedIn audience analytics to learn about your followers, and also about audiences that view your posts frequently. It will help you define your target audience with precision and create the best LinkedIn content strategy. Also, keep an eye on the other players in your industry, learn about what kind of content they are posting, and most importantly how their content is performing. You may also collaborate with your industry peers and post interviews, guest blogs. Hiring professional LinkedIn marketing services in Dubai can benefit you in this regard.  

Select the best content type:

The most significant decision to be made regarding your LinkedIn content marketing plan is deciding what type of content you should choose and also the content topic. Through research you can get insight about what topic you should select- it is wise to stick to topics that your brand has expertise on. The long-form content is an ideal content type that you may opt for. We are mentioning below some popular LinkedIn content types that you should opt for. 

1. LinkedIn Articles- The LinkedIn articles are great for sharing your expertise and helps you build authority. The articles can be upto 2000 words. However, do not forget to optimize the content with keywords as these articles can also boost search engine ranking. 

2. LinkedIn Newsletters– Through LinkedIn newsletters, you can share important updates. Encourage people to subscribe to the newsletter. It is a great way to build your community. 

3. LinkedIn Video– Videos are powerful content and they will not only increase audience engagement but will also result in shares. However, the content has to be relevant. 

4. Status Updates– The status updates which are text posts are also a great option as they allow you to connect with your audience. You can also write ‘mini blogs’ to inspire people. 

Apart from these content formats, there are other content types that you should try out. Explore different content types and select the most apt option for content creation for LinkedIn. 

Create a schedule and review performance:

Creating a content calendar is crucial for creating the best content creation strategies for LinkedIn. Remember consistency is the key to success, so, let the LinkedIn account management services in Dubai, create a schedule for posting content.  Stick to your schedule and also review your LinkedIn content performance. 

Content performance review can help you learn how your posts are faring, and whether you need to make any changes. 

LinkedIn content marketing can benefit your brand, and the best practices discussed above will help you be methodical in your approach. It is essential to hire a LinkedIn account management services provider to avoid making any mistakes. 

Yardstick Marketing is a renowned Dubai marketing agency that has an experienced team to handle LinkedIn marketing in Dubai. Contact us today. 

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