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 The Importance of Design in Marketing
Marketing a brand today goes beyond the bandwidth of just word of mouth, email marketing and what plays a huge role in generating interest in a brand is through innovative design. Visual designs have the power to effectively communicate brand values to the customers. When the customers are able to resonate to the brand values, it has a positive impact on brand loyalty in the long run. Technological advancements have made marketing much more visually impactful and dynamic. Good design can help you drive engagement and uplift the quality of the message the brans is trying to convey! Let’s look into some of the factors that highlight the importance of design in marketing and how it impacts your brand:
– Helps in establishing brand identity
Establishing a strong brand identity starts with creating a logo using the right fonts and colors that will be easy to recognize and remember by your customers. When we think of some of the biggest brands in the world regardless of which industry they belong to, we instantly remember the logos of those brands. For instance the two golden arches that form the ‘M’ for McDonalds or the black swoosh logo of Nike or the famous Disney font. These are some of the most recognizable brand logos in the world which were a result of multiple designs, research and development, picking the right color and accurate graphic designing. A lot of design thinking also goes into picking the right font for the brand from the size, typeface to the style of the font as it sets the tone for brand identity.
– Raises awareness and visibility of the brand
Having a brand with a unique design and logo sets you apart from the rest of the brands trying to gauge attention on online platforms. A brand with exceptional design can differentiate itself from competitors and attract the right target audience. However, only attracting attention doesn’t solve the purpose, the attention and the interest has to be continuous and that is where distinct design comes in handy. Standing out of the pool of brands trying to make a mark will help your brand gain visibility and awareness amongst your target audience.
– Leaves a lasting impression
Design in marketing campaigns play a huge role in attracting attention. An out of the box approach of design for your brand can potentially leave a lasting impression on your target customers. This in turn can help build brand awareness amongst customers. With the help of social media tools and social media ads, it is relatively easier to run an innovative marketing campaign and is likely to catch more attention.
– Effective design can drive conversions
A creative design concept for marketing can potentially convert into sales and ultimately drive return on investment (ROI). Photos, infographics, creative design related to the products/ services being sold by the brand have a better chance of being clicked on online and converting into sales.
Something that many companies don’t realize is that hiring the right agency for design needs of the company has multifold benefits. The graphic designers involved in the creative design of the brand immerse themselves into understanding the business from its core therefore creating designs that are true to what the brand stands for.
If you’re looking to create branding strategy that resonates with your audience and stands out, the Yardstick Marketing team is here to help you. Do get in touch with us today!

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