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5 Reasons To Hire Linkedin Account Management Services To Boost Brand Presence

LinkedIn has emerged as a significant social media platform for professionals and businesses in Dubai.

As per the statistics released by Napoleon Cat, in May 2024, there were 8,560,000 LinkedIn users in the UAE.

Source: (

In the highly competitive business environment in Dubai, businesses must build a strong online presence on LinkedIn to create valuable connections and explore new opportunities. However, creating a company profile on LinkedIn is not enough for a brand, it must stay active on this platform by engaging in activities such as LinkedIn content marketing, and networking. Hiring a LinkedIn account management service can help brands efficiently manage their profile.

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If you are still not convinced, check out this blog that discusses 5 reasons to hire LinkedIn account management services. Read on to learn.

LinkedIn account management services: Should you hire one?

A LinkedIn account management services provider in Dubai can benefit your brand in multiple ways. Let’s check out 5 ways a LinkedIn account management services provider can help your brand grow.


Managing a LinkedIn account for your brand requires expertise and experience. The top marketing firms in Dubai have a team of experienced executives who have been successfully managing LinkedIn profiles for brands.

From content creation for LinkedIn to interacting with industry leaders, and prospective customers, multiple activities must be carried out with flawless efficiency. Conducting research, assessing LinkedIn analytics, planning and launching new campaigns, and monitoring campaign performance is essential for boosting a brand’s online presence, but business owners might not possess the expertise to handle such tasks.

 Professional LinkedIn account management services providers can effortlessly handle these activities allowing you to stand out from your competitors. Their in-depth knowledge of the platform will help in creating the perfect roadmap for success.

High-quality content:

Creating effective LinkedIn content marketing strategies is crucial for positioning your brand as an industry leader. Researching relevant and trending content ideas is essential before creating content that will showcase your brand’s authority while offering information one’s target audience is looking for. Adopting the best LinkedIn content marketing practices is crucial, (Learn about the best LinkedIn content marketing practices here.)

As it would enable a brand to establish its brand authority. High-quality, authentic content would help boost brand loyalty and attract potential customers.

However, preparing a content calendar, brainstorming strategies, and consistent content posting is a time-consuming task, which a LinkedIn account management services provider can efficiently maneuver. They will also monitor the content performance. 

Network building:

LinkedIn offers you excellent opportunities for network building. Reach out to the industry leaders, and other brands and professionals in your niche can help a brand grow. Networking can also help boost your brand awareness; however, be consistent with your efforts. Identifying the potential customers, and industry leaders who would be great collaborators is crucial. Carrying out meaningful interaction is essential for the brand’s health. On the other hand, a brand should also look for new connections to build brand awareness.

A professional account management services provider can take care of this aspect and help a brand network successfully on this platform.


Professional communication and networking activities from a specific brand should be done consistently keeping the brand profile active. However, sporadic approaches will affect your brand image. Business owners cannot be expected to handle all aspects of their operations while also creating content for LinkedIn. Hiring a professional LinkedIn account management services provider will help the business not only be consistent in its efforts but also experience growth. Furthermore, the team in charge of managing your LinkedIn profile, will optimize your profile and also monitor your progress. The team will also respond to the comments posted by LinkedIn users.


LinkedIn profile creation is not enough for your brand, the campaign performances must be monitored to track the progress taking place. Several KPIs can help in tracking a brand’s growth. The LinkedIn account management services will monitor these KPIs such as – profile views, followers growth rate, click-through rate, etc.  It will help them determine whether the efforts are showing any results. They will make changes when needed.

Conclusion: Hiring a LinkedIn account management services provider in Dubai can benefit your brand in multiple ways. Along with doing content creation for LinkedIn, they will manage your company profile seamlessly.  Reach out to Yardstick Marketing for all your marketing requirements.

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