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Social Media Content Creation Check Out

Social media content creation is an integral part of any social media marketing plan. Several types of content are trending on social media platforms, and a brand must invest in creating a diverse branding strategy to maximize its impact on social media marketing channels. The reason is that each social media marketing channel is unique, as is the audience they cater to.

Hiring the best social media marketing company in Dubai can help guide brands to benefit from social media platforms. Brands that invest in social media marketing need to prepare and follow a social media marketing calendar according to which they create and post content relevant to social media channels.

Learn about the six most popular social media content types by reading this blog. Let’s learn more about this.

6 types of content should be part of your social media strategy:

1. User-generated Content:

    User-generated content (UGC) is one of the most popular types of content you should include in your social media content marketing strategy. UGC refers to the content that your audience creates; it could be in the form of testimonials, reviews, or images; such content is authentic and not paid for by the brand. Through such content, the users share their experience of using a particular product or service or their opinion about a brand.

    When customers post such content, the brands can reshare it or encourage the customers to post their reviews in the comment section. The customers can also make a short video or post product images on their timelines.

    Authentic UGC can greatly influence customer’s buying decisions and boost brand credibility. By encouraging customers to share UGC, the brands can also foster a sense of community and boost customer engagement.

    If you have hired the top PR agencies in Dubai for your PR needs, you should know that UGC can also benefit your PR efforts.

    2. Short-form video:

      Short-form video content is trending now on multiple social media platforms. The YouTube shorts and the Instagram reels are examples of short-form video content. Thanks to the explosion of digital media, which led to the proliferation of digital platforms that continue to churn out content, Since people have access to multiple platforms, they are too distracted to consume long-form content. People want quick, shareable content. The usual duration of such content is under 1 minute. Such videos are more popular as they can be consumed quickly and shared on one’s network. Furthermore, well-made short-form content has a higher retention rate and makes the desired impact. Since such content is also the most shared content on social media, brands should leverage this content format to widen their reach.

      3. Live Streams:

        The 4th content format on this list is live content. The trend of live-streaming videos on Instagram, Facebook, and other channels is gaining popularity. The content may vary from behind-the-scenes footage to product launch events to live chat sessions; such pieces of content are perceived as authentic and allow audiences to engage online.

        The brands should invest in live content to connect with their target audience. However, let the best Dubai social media agencies conduct thorough research regarding what content you should select for live streaming. It is a great way to increase brand awareness.

        4. Interactive content

          Engage your audience with interactive content on social media. This popular social media content type may range from polls to quizzes. Through such content, brands can increase audience engagement as it allows them to take a personal approach towards their target audiences. However, when brands host competitions, they encourage users to participate in the competition with the promise of a reward, and they love it.

          Conducting research is necessary before creating such content because it must be relevant to the audience. On the other hand, such content also offers valuable consumer data that brands should leverage later to plan their future campaigns.

          5. Infographics:

            An infographic combines text and graphics to impart guidelines, market items, or provide information. The reason behind the popularity of infographics is that the written content is short and crisp, and the visual elements make it more lucid and visually appealing.

            Well-designed infographics can successfully convey the message, helping brands reach the public.

            6. Stories:

              Brands need to utilize the stories that are trending on social media platforms. Stories are short and captivate the audience with a visual retelling of well-crafted content by the best Dubai social media agencies.

              Stories should use an appropriate tone according to the theme and audience and can be humorous, emotional, or convey a deep message. A brand may choose to convey its mission or give a sneak peek into its new product line and customer experiences; stories should be crisp and well-woven and resonate with the brand’s audience. A gripping tale has the power to encourage sharing among readers in addition to making them click the “like” button.

              Those were some popular social media content types discussed in this blog. There are other content types, such as GIFS and memes, that you may incorporate into your social media content creation plan. Before creating and posting any content, conduct thorough research regardless of the type of content you choose.

              Contact Yardstick Marketing and let our social media marketing experts guide you.

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